########################## Frequently asked questions ########################## This page contains frequently asked questions about fedora-happiness-packets. It includes troubleshooting steps and other project details. ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker deamon at http+docker://localhost-is it running? Verify the logged in user is member of the docker group. To verify logged in user run:: sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER} If logged in user is not member of the docker group add it using:: sudo gpasswd -a${USER} No sample messages on the main page and no messages in Archives, even though both sender and receiver approved to display message publicily. This is due to ``admin_approved_public`` not being set. This has to be done manually using shell. Steps to resolve: 1. Access the shell of the container web using:: docker-compose exec web sh 2. Acess the Django shell using:: python manage.py shell 3. Import the ``Message`` model and query the necessary message. [Assuming the variable ``message`` points to the queried object] 4. Set the ``admin_approved_public`` attribute to True and save the modified object:: message.admin_approved_public = True message.save() Now when you access Archives, the message can be seen. ERROR: for fedora-happiness-packets_redis_1 Cannot start service redis: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint fedora-happiness-packets_redis_1 starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use A redis service is already running on your machine. To see what process is running use:: sudo netstat -lnp End the running process run the web server again using ``docker-compose up``. To see processes running on a particular port (eg: Use ``grep`` to filter for that specific port:: sudo netstat -tulnp | grep 6379